What is MBActive?
MBActive offers a comprehensive suite of online tests to support our recruitment process proposition or if required as an alternative service altogether. We will support your own internal recruitment team in hiring the best quality candidates.
With the success of on-line job boards in recent years, the volume of applications can often overwhelm internal recruitment teams leading to missed opportunities and in certain circumstances, poor quality candidate experience.
Online pre-employment assessments can help you sort the "A" candidates from the rest of the pack before you invest your precious time. MBActive offers a fully managed service, from test hosting through to administration and report building. As a customer you will be able to choose from a broad range of tests including:-
- Numerical Estimation
- Numerical Critical Reasoning
- Sales Personality
- Typing Test
- Online screening
- Verbal Comprehension
- Verbal Critical Reasoning
We will work with you to decide on the most appropriate tests; manage and mark the tests; and produce a pdf report detailing the results of that candidate. This is a fully managed service that we believe will add great value and benefit to your recruitment process.
What are the benefits of using MBActive By using MBActive within your recruitment process, you will quickly see tangible benefits, in terms of quality, cost, time saving and ultimately retention.
We strongly believe it will help you:-
- Identify candidates with the right ability and best fit for roles, quickly and easily
- Dramatically reduce the cost and time of hiring
- Offer a favourable application process for candidates too
- Reduce the chance, time and cost of bad hires
- Highlight outstanding individual performances
- Identify further training and support needs
- Build and maintain individual records to demonstrate development requirements